Technical Information

The photographs on the website are all very low resolution copies of original images and may not appear sharp on large monitors.

I have five cameras that I use; the first is an Olympus Camedia C-4000 4MP Digital Camera which was a gift in 2002 and I still use it today. The second camera is a Minolta Dynax 7D which I bought in 2005, I also have Three Sony’s, a Sony SLT-A77V which I got in 2012, a Sony A900 which I bought second hand in 2022 and a Sony A700. Technically all quite different cameras, where the Olympus is a compact camera, the 7D, the A900 and the A700 are true SLR’s, the A77V is a mirrorless SLT however, the eye piece screen on the A77V is amazingly good. All four SLR/T cameras have the Minolta A Mount lens fit. I use a number of lenses but two get more use than any of the others – a Minolta 17-35mm F2.8 short zoom and a Sigma 10 – 20mm f4.5.

The Minolta camera has a 6.1 megapixel CCD APS-C Sensor (23.5 x 15.7 mm). The Sony cameras have a 12.6 and 24.3 megapixel Exmor™ HD CMOS APS-C sensors in the A700 and the SLT A77V and in theory these are far superior to the Minoltas sensor, but to be perfectly honest I can’t see a great deal of difference in the results I get from any of the APS-C sensor cameras. However, the A900 is a full frame camera with a 24.6 megapixel CMOS sensor and I do see the difference (apart from being a larger image) in the quality of the image. I find the A900 is so much better for landscape photography as the width is greater without compromising the image depth.

I shoot all of my pictures in RAW as this gives the greatest range of options when I get the pictures into Lightroom however, I do try and get the pictures correct in the camera so that minimal post development is required.

I try and always use a camera support of some sort, either a monopod or a tripod. I have a very old Manfrotto 055 Pro which is a solid as a rock! They do say that there are two types of tripods ‘good ones, and ones that you can carry’ the 055 is a challenge to carry! I also have a selection of various clamps and grips that I can attach to street furniture handrails or other permanent structures to form a stable camera platform.

Website by Malcolm Yates - All images are copyright Malcolm Yates