About Malcolm
I am an amateur photographer whose interest in photography goes back over thirty years. I started taking photographs with a Minolta XGM 35mm SLR film camera in the early 1980s where I took black and white photographs of many different subjects. Over the years I moved on to colour slide film.
In 2002, a gift of an Olympus Camedia C-4000 4MP Digital Camera awakened my passion for photography again. Then in 2005 I bought a Minolta 7D Digital SLR camera and this rekindled my love of photography.
I have since added a number of lenses and three more camera bodies, a Sony A700, a Sony A77V and a Sony A900. These three cameras offer different features to the existing 7D
More recently I have discovered a love of landscape photography and like many other photographers I can be seen wandering around the countryside trying to capture the scenic views in all their glory. However, I soon discovered that mastering the art of good landscape photography, isn’t as easy as it looks, I am still learning. Hopefully with a lot more practice I will get there!
I have been very fortunate to attend a number of short courses on photography and this has inspired me to apply some of the techniques I have learnt, in my own photography. I would like to photograph the urban landscape at night or twilight to see what fantastic effects I can produce.
I have a deep appreciation for the artistic and creative talents that other people have, always enjoying arts and craft pastimes. With the advent of digital photography and the enormous saving in expenditure that sensors offer over film I started to get more seriously into photography from 2002.
My photography skill are far short of some other peoples but I take pictures for the sheer enjoyment of it. I am still learning and would like to get better, whilst getting there can be immensely frustrating, it is also immensely enjoyable.